Thursday, 17 May 2018

Clumber Park

On Monday we went to Clumber Park with my sister my friend and my friends mum and brother. At Clumber Park we had a picnic and there were greylag geese and they wanted our food. There was also a young squirrel who took some of my sandwich I gave my friends brother some of my sandwich to give to the squirrel after that we went to a woodland play area and me and my friends brother blew
bubbles and saw who could blow the biggest bubble.We went on a boat that had information on like when the river is low you can see the remains of a old boat that sank.

 We went on a brige that has been wrecked because some one drove back and forth and wrecked the brige there were lodes of notes saying things like we hope it is rebuilt soon and that kind of thing.
Clumber park brige is over 250 years old though

Fairy Rings

Last year we came across a fairy ring, at first I didn't know what it was but nana do so she told me, we took a picture of it but we for...