Friday, 1 May 2020

🐝Gardening To Help Bees & Butterflies 🦋

Our gardens are important to wildlife such as butterflies and bees because of the different plants they contain it doesn't matter if your garden is a mess because in winter . if you grow a good mix of flowers and bushes and shrub plants in your garden, you can provide a tone of nectar and pollen for all of the bees

Bees like many types of different flowers here is a list of ten
  1. Hellebore 
  2. Bluebell
  3.  Bugle 
  4. Crab apple
  5.  Crocus 
  6. Flowering cherry
  7.  Forget-me-not 
  8. Hawthorn
  9.  Primrose
  10.  Pulmonary
fox glove is a good one for bees as well because there are a tone of flowers on the plants but dont touch the plant without gloves or somthing as all of it can cause allergic reactions, but the berries are particularly poisonous so don't eat them. Here are ten flowers that butterflies like the most
  1. Hebe
  2. Lavender
  3. Cornflowers
  4. Fennel
  5. knapweed
  6. marjoram
  7. Sedum
  8. Verbena
  9. valerian
  10. buddleja
Buddleja is actually one of the best known nectar flowers for adult butterflies, it produces blooms over a number of weeks between summer and autumn. Also hebes are great too, as well as being a reliable evergreen shrub, hebes attracts a range of insects bees and butterflies in particular. I would sugest planting some of the flowers as it will help nature and it looks pretty.

Also we cant forget moths not all of them eat cloths.
Night-scented plants are particularly good for moths, and actually evolved their night-time perfume to attract moths to pollinate their flowers. here are ten flowers that moths love to eat
  1.  Jasmine
  2.  Honeysuckle
  3.  Evening Primrose
  4.  Sweet Rocket 
  5.  Night-scented Stock
  6. Ivy
  7. Michaelmas daisy
  8. Sedum spectabile
  9. dandelions
  10. pale petunias
Don't be to tidy with your garden because while most moths breed in grass the lava spend winter hidden in the leaf  litter and plant debris so don't tidy up your garden until late spring. also leave some weeds in your garden as at the beginning of spring bees practically don't have any flowers other than dandelions to eat. It dosen't matter if you havent got a garden you could just get a window box and plant a tone of nectar filled flower

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