Sunday, 17 November 2019

Maleficent: mistress of evil

We went to see Maleficent: mistress of evil on the 13th it was better than I thought it would be.

Maleficent: mistress of evil is an exciting film. It has twists and turns and I thought it was great in every way. So here's a bit about the film: Five years have past since king Stefan died and Aurora is now 21. When a hedgehog looking creature steals Auroras crown she wondered what was going on. she follows the hedgehog thing to a willow tree and there she finds not only her crown but prince Philip who proposed.

                                (⚠WARNING: spoiler alert⚠)

When Maleficent was almost killed some one saves her some one just like her... She then wakes up in a strange room in strange clothes and she can here voices. So she decides to explore what the sound is and discovers a whole room full of people that are just like her with horns and wings and in the end they all go to war.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Book Review: Clip-Clop Chronicles By Angelica Witherspoon-Cassanova

Ok it's a great book and I have read it many times. Now for a small extract from the book.

The rain poured down in white sheets. I was glad I was able to finish my grandmothers yard and put snapper up before the rain started. I had one more client left and if the rain didn't let up, I would have to wait till Tuesday to do Mrs. Suttons' yard.

I give this a......

  because it is a lovely book and it makes me feel like I'm back on a horse.

Book Review: All The Things That Could Go Wrong By Stewart Foster

Ok so all the things that could go wrong is a great book. It is about
two boys, one called Alex and one called Dan here's a little preview of the book.

Dan is angry. Nothing has been the same since his big brother left and he's taking it out on the nearest and weakest target: Alex.

Alex is struggling. His O.C.D. makes it hard for him to leve the house, especially when Dan and his gang are waiting to get him at school.

Then the boys' mums arrange for them to meet up and  finish biulding a raft that Dan had started with his brother. The two enemies stuck together for the whole of the school holidays- what could go wrong?

ok so I'll give that a ...

for being so good and giving me a view of what being bullied feels like.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Book Review: Blitzcat by Robert Westall ๐Ÿ“–

Blitzcat by Robert Westall is a great book. As soon as I started reading I was absorbed ( that could be because I'm a bookworm though ). Any way I'll tell you a bit about the book.  Ok to start of with its about a cat called Lord Gort who tries to find her old master. By travelling many miles and  having many new masters she succeeds in her goal.

But her old master didn't recognise her which made me cry a little bit at the end. Over all its a good book and if you like emotional stories this book is for you. I give this book ...

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Bridlington ๐ŸŒŠ

On the train to Bridlington.
 Yesterday we went to Bridlington for 40p. this was an offer that cost 10p per journey for an adult and 5p per journey for a child. To get to the station though we went on the bus to Doncaster

The first thing we went to was a couple of charity shops on the way to the beach and we found some good books. Next was the beach. One of the things that nanny wanted was stones with a holes in called hag stones, she wanted them for her business. Almost as soon as she walked on to the beach she found one.

We picked up loads of shells that looked pretty (and several bits of crab). In the end me and abbie took our shoes and socks of and rolled up our trouser legs then went running into the sea.

We then got Ice cream and decided which arcade to play in. At first I couldnt win but i timed it right and I won a lot of stuff sadly I didn't get a prize. But it doesn't matter because nanny got us two PS3 games each.

we went to a shop that sells fudge ( thats not a pach on my grandads)  and spent about fifteen minutes
trying to choose what to have. after that we went back
down to the beach and by then the tide was out so there
was more beach

Saturday, 14 September 2019

leeds once more

On the tenth me and nanny went to Leeds to go to a museum. It only cost us 30p which was brilliant.
    As we came out of the station we saw someone giving away  Tropicana       who was really nice.
When we got to the museum we went up to the first floor. The first floor didn't have much on but there was a special clock called the Leeds clock.

mine is much better 
 On the second floor there was loads of things to do with the wars, there was a old desk <¬ and a thing that showed were the main bombing points were.

The third floor was much more fun as it has a mummy ¬> and  loads of Egyptian hieroglyphics and stuff 
there was a head statue of Hera Greek goddess and queen of heaven also married to Zeus god of the sky.

Then we went down to the ground  floor  and saw a huge cabinet that used to have several odd things in, including a hand, a coin, cows leather with the fur still on it. there were more things but I'll not list them.

Then we went down to the basement  and went in to a room with stuffed animals like, leopards, bears and monkeys and things but the tigers were most impressive this one here was a rug once then they moulded it back into shape an stuffed it. ๐Ÿ…

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

rose theatre: Hamlet

yesterday we went to Shakespeares rose theatre, which much to our surprise, opened again. you can see my older post by clicking here .

ok so hamlet is the play we saw. we also went to Cliffords tower were me and abbie fought to the death (well almost).

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Little Morton Farm๐Ÿท and Stainsby Mill

 Today we went to Little Morton Farm and Stainsby mill in Derbyshire. First we went to Little Morton farm were we immediately saw some black pigs an two black chickens a cock and a hen.The people there actually make there own produce from the pigs ,chickens ,cows and sheep that thy send to the slaughter house.๐Ÿ–

After Morton farm we went to Stainsby mill, Stainsby mill was built in 1850 to grind flour for the Hardwick Estate in Derbyshire. It feeds on the mills brook which enables the mill to work. It has a 17ft water wheel. We had a guided tour.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Bolsover castle

le, fontin
On the 28th of June we went to Bolsover castle about a 30 minute drive away. Bolsover castle was built in 1613 by Sir Charles Cavendish  who had three children  , when he died in 1617 the  his son William Cavendish inherited the Castle and completed the interiors with the help of the architect Smythson the vast and stately Terrace Range overlooking the Vale of Scarsdale, now a dramatic roofless shell.To show off his achievement, in 1634 he hosted Charles 1 and Queen Henrietta Maria

During the Civil War William fought for the Royalists, but he was defeated at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644 and went into exile. On his return in 1660 he rebuilt the state apartment in the Terrace Range and built the cavernous Riding House Range with its magnificent roof and viewing galleries. The Riding House is one of the earliest in England to survive complete and a landmark in British equestrianism.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Mr Straws House

On the 13th we went to Mr Straws house were William junior and Walter straw lived along with there mum and dad(William and Florence straw). When William jr died he left all his money and also all the contents to national trust and gave the house to the next tenants, the national trust then bought number 7.

 We first went into the back garden we saw a bunch of cacti on a table and in the greenhouse at the bottom of the garden.

Mrs straw kept a bee hive and when she died William junior and Walter looked after the bees. In the house there is carpet down over the original carpet as it is so old. Alarms go off if you step on the wrong carpet.

 William junior had spent much of the 1920s and 1930s in London studying English Literature so he could be a teacher. He came back home in 1938 and a year later Mrs straw died.

I enjoyed going round the house and seeing things that I recognise  like the bovril,  Robinsons, OXO cubes and Heinz in the kitchen which we still use today.
Some of the other things we saw like the kilner jars and pottery mixing bowls are also used in every day life, we actually have these in our kitchen now.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Conisbrough castle ๐Ÿฐ

Last Friday we went to Conisbrough castle because we've got a card, which allows us to get into national trust properties for free๐Ÿ’ธ. Anyway we went round Conisbrough castles tower and we saw three programmed people one was the keeper another the mistress and another the master. I hate the steps because they slope down or are to small. The videos were interesting and the view was very good too though I only went up once.The keep was built in the 1170s or 1180s for William de Warenne from William the Conqueror

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Four Leaf Clovers ๐Ÿ€

Last week I found a four leaf clover but I have just found another one today while walking the dogs. I think that they are super lucky. You have a one in 10,000 chance of finding a four leaf clover so to find two in two weeks is very rare. Here's some info about four leaf clovers:
my second four leaf clover

Each leaf on a four leaf clover represents something: The first represents faith, the second hope, the third love and the fourth luck. Someone once found 21 clovers in her back garden after she prayed to on of her old friends (who had found a four leaf clover) to send her a sign. 

People used to hang four leaf clovers from their doors to ward off evil, some children believed that if they carried a four leaf clover they could see faeries!!!  If you ever find a five leaf clover drop it and run as they're very unlucky and will bring illness if picked

Fairy Rings

Last year we came across a fairy ring, at first I didn't know what it was but nana do so she told me, we took a picture of it but we for...