Tuesday, 28 August 2018

My Birthday 🎁

Nikki's cake
Abbie's cake
         Today is my eleventh birthday here's how it started. I woke up had breakfast and then opened some pressies. The first thing I got was a designabear and it is called cupcake, and the second thing was some books by R J Anderson I've got the first two books of one series and one of another.  I then saw Abbies unicorn cake and it looked grate.

Then grandad went to cut down my cabin bed so it was normal bed but part of a present was that grandad put up a wall TV in my room  he also rearrange things. Later my friend came around as well as some of her family  they must have had seven presents including: a pare of unicorn pyjamas, a Rubik cube, sparkle creation, a orange spiky squeaky ball and colour your own messenger bag. Then I saw my friends cake. It's very good here are some pictures

Thursday, 23 August 2018

The Rose Theatre

The Rose was built in 1587 by Philip Henslowe and a grocer named John Cholmley. It was the first purpose-built playhouse to ever stage a production of any of Shakespeare's plays. The theatre was built on a messuage called the "Little Rose," which Henslowe had leased from the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark in 1585.

The Rose was the first of several theatres to be situated in Bankside, Southwark near the south shore of the River Thames. The area was known for its leisure attractions such as bear/bull-baitings, gaming dens and brothels. It was located in the Liberty of Clink, a liberty outside the jurisdiction of the City of London's civic authorities.

The Rose contained substantial rose gardens and two buildings; Cholmley used one as a storehouse but I don't know what Henslowe used his for. North of London, professional playhouses like the Curtain Theatre and The Theatre had already been open for over a decade.

In York they have built a replica of the rose theatre and that is were me, Abbie and nanny went yesterday. The play we saw  is called a midsummer nights dream and it is very good in my opinion  it made me laugh and the fairy's were dressed up as trees. They were doing things like one fairy took someones bag and dumped it in front of the person it belonged to.  I don't think abbie liked it though because she was hardly looking at it.The theatre is like a pop up one  but more impressive  especially on the inside  but sadly after the second of september it will be taken down as it was only open for ten weeks. 

A Special Trip To York

Yesterday we went to York. When we got there we went to York castle museum which we went in because it's the  hundredth anniversary this year and they have something on which is good for me because I'm doing a WW1 project  (you can go to my previous post which is called York museums by clicking here).

After we went up to Clifford's tower. It wasn't as good as I hoped it would be but we saw York Minster and Shakespeare's rose theatre. Next we went to a place with Ice cream that we knew we liked  we were going to go to pound stretcher but a street performer  was doing some funny things  in the end we needed to run to the rose theatre so we wouldn't miss the start of mid summer nights dream.

Oh almost forgot on the way to York castle museum we past the jorvik centre and opposite  it there were two people who were from the jorvik centre and they were doing charm bags  me and abbie did one to and I picked lapis and blood stone for my two stones and yarrow and rosemary for my two herbs. 

Monday, 13 August 2018

New Ussuri Brown Bears At Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Four Ussuri bears were rescued from Japan.Two of the four were cubs when they were snatched from their mum who was shot by hunters. These are brothers are called Riku and Kai  they are now 17.The other two are called Amuro and Hanako and they are 27. The trip from Japan to the UK  lasted two days and they travelled 5,400 miles. In there old home they were living exhibits and the cages were 6 foot long and 9 foot wide and there were only three inches of water in there cages.

I am glad that they have been rescued by Yorkshire wildlife park because it is only about eleven miles away so we can get their easily and we have annual passes we can see them till the passes run out  and when they are open for public I will update and put pictures and videos on.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Camera Project 4

Today I did camera project 4 it is called "one object, five ways", you've got to choose a colourful object and photograph it five ways, I chose my bike and I got pictures of the handle bars, the wheel, the seat, the sprocket and a side view of the bike itself. What will your object be?


Monday, 6 August 2018

camera project 3

Today I did the third project. The third project is called " Photograph Your Room"and you need to do just that take a picture of your room. Oh and there's only 67 more posts on this. 😫                                                         

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Camera Project 2

On Wednesday me and my nan went round the lake and I did a project on the way round . the project was from The Camera Book the project is called Focus On One Thing and I needed to find something called macro. Nanny couldn't find it but I found it !!!I did a white flower on a bush, the picture isn't as good as it could have been but its ok for my first time

Fairy Rings

Last year we came across a fairy ring, at first I didn't know what it was but nana do so she told me, we took a picture of it but we for...